



For decades, osteoarthritis has been considered a part of aging. But not anymore. Recent research points out that older people don’t have to suffer from osteoarthritic pain. And, surprisingly, people much younger than 65 can develop osteoarthritis.


or degenerative joint disease, affects more than 20 million Americans and is more common in women than in men. The disease affects the cartilage – slippery tissue on the ends of bones that meet in a joint. Normally, cartilage helps bones glide over one another. In an OA patient, however, the cartilage is broken down and eventually wears away. As a result, instead of gliding, bones rub against each other, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion. Although the majority of patients with OA are 65 and older, recent research shows that OA is not a by-product of aging. Family history of OA, being overweight, lack of exercise, and prior joint injuries are suggested as risk factors.

Symptoms include: steady or intermittent joint pain; joint stiffness after sitting, sleeping, or otherwise not moving for a long time; swelling or tenderness in the joints; and a crunching feeling or the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

One of the most common questions I am asked is how exercise affects. Exercise is one of the best forms of treatment and prevention. It strengthens the muscular support around the joints and improves and maintains joint mobility and function. In addition, exercise helps control weight and improve the mood and outlook – important factors influencing the severity of the symptoms. These are some tips on exercising with OA:
1. Low-impact or non-weight bearing activities, such as walking, stationary training, and lightweight training work best.
2. Use strengthening exercises if the key muscle groups that relate to the function of the joints are weakened by the degeneration. Examples include quadriceps strengthening and core exercises for the back.
3. If you are overweight, start exercising carefully, so as not to put too much stress on the knee and ankle joints.
4. Stair climbing, water aerobics, Theraband workouts, and similar exercises will help to keep the joints mobile without straining them.
5. Learn to read the body’s signals and know when to stop, slow down, or rest.

If OA pain is too great always consult your medical doctor or chiropractor for further instructions. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water, eating well-balanced meals, and taking supplements to control the inflammation caused by and provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Supplements to consider include Glucosamine Chondroitin, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium. Good luck and stay active!


WorldLegacy: Osteoarthritis

WorldLegacy: Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a “cushion” between the bones of the joints. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis. Among the over 100 different types of arthritis conditions, osteoarthritis is the most common, affecting over 20 million people in the United States. Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently as we age. Before age 45, osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in males. After 55 years of age, it occurs more frequently in females. In the United States, all races appear equally affected. A higher incidence of osteoarthritis exists in the Japanese population, while South-African blacks, East Indians, and Southern Chinese have lower rates.

Few alternative medicine therapies have been extensively studied in clinical trials so it is difficult to assess whether these treatments are helpful for osteoarthritis pain

Common alternative treatments that have shown some promise for osteoarthritis include: Acupuncture, ginger, glucosamine and chondroitin, avocado-soybean unsaponifiables (ASUs), Tai chi and yoga.

More about osteoarthritis.

Metaphysical Approach to Wellness

Metaphysical Approach to Wellness

Metaphysical Approach to Wellness

I have been a massage therapist since 2005 and a Reiki Master since 2006. I am located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

My approach to wellness for my clients is meta-physical.  All aspects of the person must be included.  We are creators and therefore not only manifest of our experiences but most importantly what we think (especially sub-consciously).  All of this has a direct affect on our health.

I have a client-friend who is in the process of healing Huntington’s Chorea. We worked together for approximately one year, doing Reiki, Massage, Energy Work and Journeying. During her healing process, she came to understand that hopelessness was the major emotional state affecting her life. She enrolled in the WorldLegacy trainings, as I believed that this would be the technology that would give her the ability to breakthrough the hopelessness and have the life that has been waiting for her.

At her last doctor’s appointment, she was showing negligible signs of Huntington’s, whereas one year earlier, she was told that she was declining at a rapid rate and that she should set up a DNR and could no longer live alone.

Jeannine Vautrin WorldLegacy NC 96 Leadership Program

Children and Autism

Children and Autism

Children and Autism

In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network reported that approximately 1 in 110 children in the United States has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This represents an increase in the prevalence of autism disorders compared to earlier in the decade when prevalence was cited as 1 in 166 and 1 in 250. In the nineties, prevalence was 1 in 2500. It is difficult to compare autism rates over the last three decades, as the diagnostic criteria for autism have changed over the years, No matter what, this has become a problem we get to deal with in powerful and effective ways.

Stephanie Ray, a WorldLegacy  graduate, NC129 Leadership, has written an article about autism and parents.

What parents should expect from school professionals

As you are reading this, another woman is giving birth to a child with autism. He won’t be diagnosed for a few years, but when he is, his mother will probably search frantically for treatment options; options that range from shock therapy to alternative schooling to intensive home programs. Most parents don’t even question the scientific validity of treatments. The majority of parents, especially new ones, tend to take ideas heard on television talk shows, printed in magazines, or blogged on the internet as fact and scientifically relevant when there is NO evidence to attest to the treatment’s validity. While it is excusable, to an extent, for parents to get caught in the whirlwind of autism treatments presented in pop psychology today, it is NOT acceptable for school professionals to do the same. What should parents of children with autism expect from their school administration and professionals?

Schools have nothing to learn from pseudoscientific treatments, but they have plenty to learn from marketing strategies. Responsible professionals find these treatments hard to accept and consider it unprofessional to let their students and parents cling to unrealistic hopes. However, while school professionals need not nurture false hopes, neither should they ignore the power of hope and the parents’ emotional needs. Parents need to feel positive about their children’s educational environment and the ability of that environment to meet their child’s needs. This applies to the parental population as a whole, but especially for parents of children with special needs. Parents need to feel useful; they need to feel like they can make things better for their child and it’s the school’s job to nurture that feeling.

How should school professionals respond when parents request for services a district is unable—or unwilling—to provide? It is the responsibility of the professional to investigate it. Families should be encouraged to discuss what they’ve heard. To understand the concept, professionals should watch the program or read the article that inspired the parents. They should search for value in the teachings, for they want to appear as credible as talk show hosts, right? If they feel the information presented in the program or article about a “miracle” treatment is not valid, they should explain why and what would make it more valuable. School professionals are dealing with a fragile entity, parental hope. They want to direct the parent’s energy away from an unreasonable program and toward something constructive they can do for the child—together.

The best defense against an unreasonable demand is a good assessment. This can reassure parents that someone understands their child as well as, or better than, the family. However, it is important that school professionals don’t try to bluff the parents. It’s better to go into IEP meetings with questions that with pat answers. If school staff have incomplete information, they need to be honest about it. Most parents will respect professionals who say they need more time to evaluate the child or want the parents’ opinions on issues as well as solutions.

Ideally, a starting point would be established by parents and school staff as a team. Once this is done, setting appropriate goals can be a difficult task for both professionals and parents alike. A main reason for this could be that our society hasn’t done a satisfactory job of articulating goals of regular education, let alone special education. Parents generally have a fuzzy recollection of their own school experience—recalling nine months a year divided between academics and recreation. Perhaps they think the only educational objective was graduation and preparation for college.

Parents assume special education will be different from regular education, but they don’t really know what to expect. They may ask “What exactly will my child be learning?”, “How will I know if they are making progress?”, “How will the teacher reach all the children when they all have different disabilities?” and possibly most importantly “What is the ultimate goal of my child being in a special education classroom?” The uncertainty can add to their uneasiness. They already have a child who can’t fully understand; now they have to deal with an educational system that hasn’t been clearly defined!  Some parents hope special education will help their child catch up with other students. They may hope for a total recovery by graduation. However, most parents recognize that their child’s disability won’t fade with age. Rather, the child with a disability will become an adult with a disability. Eventually, even the most hopeful parents face their compromise with destiny.

As a school professional, it is our job to join forces with parents in service to the child. This may mean being open to new ideas, facing being questioned about our own beliefs, and willing to make sacrifices for the success of the child. Parents rely on school professionals to provide top notch services to their child with autism and expect nothing less than our very best. It is the job of the school professional to create an educational environment that is both nurturing for the student and satisfying for the parents.

Stephanie Ray
Stephanie has worked for the past four and a half years as a behavior tutor for children with autism. Her passion lies with adolescents with autism and transitioning into adulthood. She graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a degree in developmental psychology with a specialization in autism.  She is currently working on an effective treatment for individuals with autism.
Stephanie is also a graduate of NC129  Leadership Program.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a severe health condition that can cause life-altering and  even life-threatening problems, such as slow wound healing and nerve  disorders.  It can also complicate problems in muscles, bones, and  joints.  Diabetes results from an excessive buildup of glucose in your  bloodstream.  Glucose, or blood sugar, which the body gets from food and  also manufactures in the liver and muscles, is a substance the body  uses for energy and nutrition.  To control glucose levels in your blood,  the body uses insulin, a substance produced by the pancreas.  An  imbalance in this system can cause pre-diabetes  or diabetes.  In most people, normal blood glucose levels range from 80  to 120.  The levels vary depending on the time of day and how long it  has been since you’ve eaten.  Levels can go as high as 180 within two  hours after a meal.

There are two main types of the disease.   Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes,  usually begins in childhood to early adulthood.  It results from  destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.  When the body  destroys these cells, insulin levels in the blood become too low to  properly manage blood sugar.  Type 2 diabetes is also called adult-onset  or non-insulin-dependent diabetes.  This condition results from insulin  resistance – the inability of body tissues to properly utilize insulin  produced by the pancreas.  The pancreas compensates by producing more  insulin, but eventually it cannot keep up with the demand, especially  after meals.  Obesity, poor diet, and lack of exercise predispose you to  developing type 2 diabetes.  A less common form of the disease is  called gestational diabetes.  It occurs, secondary to hormonal changes,  in pregnant women during the late stages of pregnancy and usually  resolves after the birth of the baby.  It is important to remember,  however, that gestational diabetes makes a woman more likely to develop  type 2 diabetes later in life.

With diabetes, uncontrolled  glucose levels can lead to serious problems with vision, kidney  function, nerve dysfunction, and blood vessels, including heart attack  and stroke.  In fact, people with diabetes have approximately twice the  risk of stroke and heart attack faced by the general public.  In a  nutshell, to manage glucose levels, you should exercise regularly, eat a  healthful balanced diet, and maintain a healthy body weight.  Physical  activity helps control blood glucose levels in both healthy adults and  in diabetes.  Aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, dancing, and  riding a bicycle, appears to be most beneficial.  What that does is  raise your heart rate, helping to not only control blood glucose but  also prevent heart attack and stroke.  You can get some exercise by  house cleaning or doing yard work, such as gardening.  Physical activity  helps diabetic patients maintain a healthy body weight, helps insulin  lower the blood glucose levels, and gives patients more energy.  Before  you start an exercise program, consult with your doctor to make sure  that the exercise program is tailored to fit your specific needs.

It’s  also important to eat foods that are generally low in fat – and when  fats are eaten, aim for “good” ones, such as those found in olive oil,  fish, and other products.  People with diabetes don’t need to eat  special foods but should avoid foods that contain large amounts of  saturated and/or tans fats.  They should also avoid eating too many  processed sugars, but instead choose complex carbohydrates such as those  found in fruits and vegetables.  The benefits of this type of healthy  diet can extend beyond blood sugar control and diabetes prevention to  help prevent heart attack and stroke.  Read up on the Mediterranean diet  for a great way to eat properly.  Research shows eating like this will  prevent many chronic diseases.

Doctors fear type 2 diabetes will become the most prevalent  chronic disease in the near future overtaking heart disease, stroke,  and cancer.  The most fortunate aspect of this dilemma is diabetes is  very preventable if we just eat better and exercise regularly.  Try this  simple step: eliminate processed sugars including soft drinks, candy,  chips, and cereals.  Your pancreas will thank you!
I pray you make healthy choices and help this world eliminate many of these lifestyle diseases.  Keep up the good work!
Matthew Taylor   Chiropractor

Healthy Living: Harnessing Stress

Healthy Living: Harnessing Stress

Stress has become a fact of life, and for some, the daily norm. Although occasional stress can help improve our focus and performance, living with chronic stress can backfire by causing anxiety, depression, and serious health problems. Understanding who we are, knowing our major struggles, putting them into perspective, and taking action can help us deal with stress. The following strategies can also improve stress tolerance and help lessen the effects of stress on our health.

1. Think Positively: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into positive”, said Hans Selye, author of groundbreaking work in stress theory. If having a difficult time try cognitive-behavioral therapy or biofeedback.
2. Get Out and Enjoy Nature: Studies show interacting with nature lessens the effects of stress on the nervous system, reduces attention deficits, decreases aggression, and enhances spiritual well being.
3. Smell the Roses: Aromatherapy, smelling essential plant oils, is recognized worldwide as a complementary therapy for stress related issues. Orange or lavender scents, in particular, have been proven to enhance relaxation and reduce anxiety.
4. Relax with a Cup of Tea: Research shows that drinking tea for 6 weeks helps lower post stress cortisol levels and and increase relaxation.
5. Laugh It Off: Self explanatory!
6. Build a Support System: Quality relationships are key to health and happiness.
7. Relaxing Power of Music: Music, especially classical, has been shown to decrease stress and anxiety and improve overall mood even in serious chronic disease sufferers.
8. Calm Your Mind: Techniques include meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, practicing non-judgemental awareness, and guided imagery.
9. Warmth of Human Touch: Virginia Satir, a famous American psychotherapist, once said people need 4 hugs a day to help prevent depression, 8 for psychological stability, and 12 for growth. Need something more then try a good massage therapy session.
10. Give Exercise a Shot: My personal favorite! Research shows many types of physical exericse can decrease stress and anxiety. Try weightlifting, running, walking, sporting games, tai chi, or yoga.

No matter what stress-relief methods you choose, make it a habit to use them – especially if you feel too stressed out to do it. As someone once said, the time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.

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