Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a severe health condition that can cause life-altering and  even life-threatening problems, such as slow wound healing and nerve  disorders.  It can also complicate problems in muscles, bones, and  joints.  Diabetes results from an excessive buildup of glucose in your  bloodstream.  Glucose, or blood sugar, which the body gets from food and  also manufactures in the liver and muscles, is a substance the body  uses for energy and nutrition.  To control glucose levels in your blood,  the body uses insulin, a substance produced by the pancreas.  An  imbalance in this system can cause pre-diabetes  or diabetes.  In most people, normal blood glucose levels range from 80  to 120.  The levels vary depending on the time of day and how long it  has been since you’ve eaten.  Levels can go as high as 180 within two  hours after a meal.

There are two main types of the disease.   Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes,  usually begins in childhood to early adulthood.  It results from  destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.  When the body  destroys these cells, insulin levels in the blood become too low to  properly manage blood sugar.  Type 2 diabetes is also called adult-onset  or non-insulin-dependent diabetes.  This condition results from insulin  resistance – the inability of body tissues to properly utilize insulin  produced by the pancreas.  The pancreas compensates by producing more  insulin, but eventually it cannot keep up with the demand, especially  after meals.  Obesity, poor diet, and lack of exercise predispose you to  developing type 2 diabetes.  A less common form of the disease is  called gestational diabetes.  It occurs, secondary to hormonal changes,  in pregnant women during the late stages of pregnancy and usually  resolves after the birth of the baby.  It is important to remember,  however, that gestational diabetes makes a woman more likely to develop  type 2 diabetes later in life.

With diabetes, uncontrolled  glucose levels can lead to serious problems with vision, kidney  function, nerve dysfunction, and blood vessels, including heart attack  and stroke.  In fact, people with diabetes have approximately twice the  risk of stroke and heart attack faced by the general public.  In a  nutshell, to manage glucose levels, you should exercise regularly, eat a  healthful balanced diet, and maintain a healthy body weight.  Physical  activity helps control blood glucose levels in both healthy adults and  in diabetes.  Aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, dancing, and  riding a bicycle, appears to be most beneficial.  What that does is  raise your heart rate, helping to not only control blood glucose but  also prevent heart attack and stroke.  You can get some exercise by  house cleaning or doing yard work, such as gardening.  Physical activity  helps diabetic patients maintain a healthy body weight, helps insulin  lower the blood glucose levels, and gives patients more energy.  Before  you start an exercise program, consult with your doctor to make sure  that the exercise program is tailored to fit your specific needs.

It’s  also important to eat foods that are generally low in fat – and when  fats are eaten, aim for “good” ones, such as those found in olive oil,  fish, and other products.  People with diabetes don’t need to eat  special foods but should avoid foods that contain large amounts of  saturated and/or tans fats.  They should also avoid eating too many  processed sugars, but instead choose complex carbohydrates such as those  found in fruits and vegetables.  The benefits of this type of healthy  diet can extend beyond blood sugar control and diabetes prevention to  help prevent heart attack and stroke.  Read up on the Mediterranean diet  for a great way to eat properly.  Research shows eating like this will  prevent many chronic diseases.

Doctors fear type 2 diabetes will become the most prevalent  chronic disease in the near future overtaking heart disease, stroke,  and cancer.  The most fortunate aspect of this dilemma is diabetes is  very preventable if we just eat better and exercise regularly.  Try this  simple step: eliminate processed sugars including soft drinks, candy,  chips, and cereals.  Your pancreas will thank you!
I pray you make healthy choices and help this world eliminate many of these lifestyle diseases.  Keep up the good work!
Matthew Taylor   Chiropractor

Herbs and Your Health

Herbs and Your Health

Herbs and Health

Aloe Vera

Traditionally, aloe was used topically to heal wounds and for various skin conditions, and orally as a laxative. Today, in addition to traditional uses, people take aloe orally to treat a variety of conditions, including diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and osteoarthritis. People use aloe topically for osteoarthritis, burns, sunburns, and psoriasis.

Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil has been used since the 1930s for eczema (a condition in which the skin becomes inflamed, itchy, or scaly because of allergies or other irritation).  It has been used for other conditions involving inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis.  Evening primrose oil is used for conditions affecting women’s health, such as breast pain associated with the menstrual cycle, menopausal symptoms, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).  Other conditions for which evening primrose oil is used include cancer and diabetes.

Ginger is used in Oriental medicine to treat stomach aches, nausea, and diarrhea.  Many digestive, anti-nausea, and cold and flu dietary supplements sold in the United States contain ginger extract as an ingredient.  Ginger is used to alleviate post-surgery nausea as well as nausea caused by motion, chemotherapy, and pregnancy.  Ginger has been used for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint and muscle pain.

Garlic’s most common uses as a dietary supplement are for high cholesterol, heart disease, and high blood pressure.  Garlic is also used to prevent certain types of cancer, including stomach and colon cancers.  Some of the most popular traditional uses of garlic have been for colds, flu and other infections, earaches, vaginal yeast infections, and high blood pressure. Modern research has focused on four main areas: heart disease, cancer, infectious disease, and antioxidant effects.  Garlic reduces cholesterol levels and raises the level of healthy high-density lipoproteins.  Garlic also appears to lower blood pressure directly.

Green Tea
Green tea and green tea extracts, have been used to prevent and treat a variety of cancers, including breast, stomach, and skin cancers.  Green tea has also been used for improving mental alertness, aiding in weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, and protecting skin from sun damage.

Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil has been used for a variety of health conditions, including nausea, indigestion, and cold symptoms.  Peppermint oil is also used for headaches, muscle and nerve pain, and stomach and bowel conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Energy Yoga, T’ai Chi and WorldLegacy

Energy Yoga, T’ai Chi and WorldLegacy

Energy Yoga, T’ai Chi and WorldLegacy

I began practicing energy yoga and T’ai Chi three years ago to heal my body.  After many years as an athlete and later in life, being more sedentary in my professional life, I was experiencing hip, knee and foot issues from running and working out.  I needed to find something that would improve my flexibility, strength and heal the aches and pains.

By chance, I found a Dahn Yoga center near my office and walked in.  It was different than most yoga centers in that it is a Korean based form.  The word dahn in Korean means energy.  I began one-on-one sessions with the center master and noticed after three months, a significant improvement in my body’s condition.  I also discovered a form of T’ai Chi called Dahn Mu Do, which translates to “the way of limitless energy or power”.  I began to focus on Dahn Mu Do fully for my training and my healing.  I loved it so much that I became a Dahn Master and now teach energy yoga and healing T’ai Chi to others.  I am now on my way to living my dream and fulfilling my life’s purpose.

I discovered that this practice and the WorldLegacy programs are so in tune with each other.  I discovered that I can push through my limitations and connect with my authentic true self simply by choosing to do so. I found a way to put into daily practice, the learning experiences from the http://www.worldlegacyhealthyliving.com/energy-yoga-tai-chi-world-legacy-870 programs.  The WorldLegacy  enabled me to be open to this training and to what has now become my way of living.

Thank you WorldLegacy.
WorldLegacy Graduate of NC 88 Leadership Program

WorldLegacy and The Rice Diet Renewal

WorldLegacy and The Rice Diet Renewal

WorldLegacy and The Rice Diet Renewal

From the book, “The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30 Day Program for Lasting Weight Loss” by Kitty Gurkin Rosati.

The following excerpt is part of this section on The Responsibility Game; the book then leads the reader into the Day 6 experiential titled “Responsibility Jump Start.”
The Responsibility Game
The responsibility Game was introduced to me by Robert Katz, the director of the WorldLegacy in Morrisville, North Carolina, where I participated in a leadership training program called the Journey.  It is a simple, yet effective way to manage even the most intense emotions and disempowering mind-sets.  In a concrete, practical way, the Leadership Program and the’s Transformational Workshops teach you how to use the law of attraction, a law of physics that is defined as like attracting like.  It will teach you this principle by letting you consciously approach your life like a game, which can help you understand that your positive thoughts, feelings, and faith, when intentionally enjoyed simultaneously, can fuel your co-creative abilities to manifest your heart’s desires.  This practice can greatly help you let go of feelings you may have of being a victim to what happens outside of you.

This tool can make the journey into your emotions fun yet powerful, while not igniting the blame or shame response that many readers may know too well.  When Rob coached me during the Game, which is about claiming your power in life, Rob said, “Every time you make a choice that gives you power, you use that power to move ahead toward your goal.  It might be a big step or it might be a tiny step, but it’s moving forward. Every step in the game earns a point in the game. Every time you allow your feelings to stop you from moving ahead, you’ve given up your power.  Every time you see your situation as hopeless or overwhelming, you miss a step or even take a step backward.  Each blocked or backward step costs you a point in the game.

When you’ve scored enough points to achieve your goal, you win the game.  That is, when you make enough choices to claim your power, and you use it enough times to succeed at your goal, you’ve won.  Celebrate!  Do a victory dance!  Then you can set your sights on your next goal and play again.”

Rob told me about Laura, who was a marketing executive and a mom, raising four kids who included her teenage son Tommy.  She worked daily with Tommy, helping him through the typical struggles that teenagers face, until one unforgettable day that changed her life. Laura came home from work to find that Tommy had killed himself.  Laura’s husband blamed her and filed for divorce.  When she moved away to start a new life, her family stopped supporting her and, at times, even refused to talk to her.  This is enough to devastate many people, but today Laura is happily remarried and is the director of a teenage leadership program that touches hundreds of lives. How does Laura rise above her circumstances?  She plays, and habitually wins, the Responsibility Game.

In every situation in life, you always have choices you can make.  Even in the worst of life’s tragedies, you still have choices.  If nothing else, you can always choose your attitude.  Every time you look at a situation as if you have some power over it, you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life.  Every time you see your power in a situation, you can take the step forward toward your goals. Conversely, every time you look at a situation as if you have no authority or say in the matter, you have no power.

What is the Responsibility Game?  It is a way of looking at the world and a way of living life.  The objective of this game is to achieve your goals.  By playing the Responsibility Game, you are much more successful at having your life be the way you want it to be.  Your game’s strategy is determined by the goals you set: you reach your weight and your health goals, you make more money, and/or the quality of your relationships go up…whatever you have prioritized as your game’s goals.  The game is an easy yet potent way to make your life turn out the way you want it to.

Like any game, the Responsibility Game has points to score, it has a way to win, and it has some rules to follow.  To earn points in this game, you make choices that put you in control of your life.  A responsibility choice is choosing a viewpoint about what’s happening that gives you power to affect the situation, rather than feel powerless about it.  You look at what’s happening around you and decide how you feel about it.  What will be your attitude about it?  “My kids are rambunctious today – I’m thrilled they are so healthy and vibrant.”  “My kids are rambunctious today – they are going to drive me crazy!”  Once you are conscious of your thoughts and feelings, you can enjoy them, be angered by them, or choose to shift your attitude.

Laura could have easily seen herself as powerless after the death of her son, her divorce, and her family’s response.  At times, her feelings were so strong that she was overwhelmed by them.  Playing the Responsibility Game, however, she knew that her goals were to provide a safe and loving environment for her family and to save other teens before they committed suicide.  Every day she made choices.  Some days she scored many points, and the children she worked with received all of her love and caring.  Other days she didn’t score many points. Over time, by staying focused on her goals, not only did she score enough points to heal and expand her family, but she also created a position where she may prevent her tragedy from happening to others.

It is a very challenging and exciting game to be alert and recognize your responsibility to be truly aware of your present thoughts and feelings; you can cultivate the mindfulness to assess whether you want to continue to create from that paradigm or shift to a stand that positively supports the outcome you want.  My team for the WorldLegacy Journey was called NC73B, and our motto was “Shift happens.”  And it does!  You can choose to take full responsibility for steering your emotional rudders, or you can waste a lot of potentially creative time being stuck on events or actions whose emotions you don’t want to feel.  This invitation to “shift from self-defeating emotional states to empowering ones” is not meant to encourage you to minimize your emotional processing of pain or suffering, which can be powerful teachers, but to remember that you don’t have to camp out there or become frozen with inertia.  When you become an active player in the Responsibility Game, you develop a habit of consciously choosing to perceive everything as an opportunity to win your heart’s desire and maximize your life’s potential.

The Responsibility Game is a way of looking at the world and approaching your life as if you can make a difference in how it evolves.  You either think you are responsible for creating the life goals you have, or you don’t and thus are willing to accept the victim role in your life.  You may be saying, “Yeah, this is true most of the time, but what about….blah, blah, blah?”  I don’t want to hear your but story; it will not serve you in actualizing your goals, or the life that you want. I am inviting you to enter a paradigm shift in consciousness, which is nothing more than a shift, or change, in your way of perceiving the world and your power in co-creating the world.

Kitty Gurkin Rosati, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., has worked in the field of weight-related disease prevention and reversal for two and a half decades.  She is the nutrition director of the Rice Diet Program and has been a clinical instructor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kitty is a graduate of WorldLegacy’s NC73B Leadership Program.  Purchase the Rice Diet Renewal.

Abundance and Prosperity WorldLegacy

Abundance and Prosperity WorldLegacy

Dance, Health, Passion, WorldLegacy

My healthy living experience today comes from “The Abundance and Prosperity” seminar I attended at the WorldLegacy in which I offered to DANCE at the end of the program. I was very nervous because I have not danced in more than 10 years! Frank my spouse does not dance so it seems NATURAL to have abandoned my PASSION!

Anyhow as a result of all these experiences and not to mention that every time one comes to WorldLegacy, the first thing we do is DANCE!

I am now a ZUMBA dance instructor! I am also a certified nutrition consultant and holistic health practitioner. I have lost about 3 sizes and take ballroom dance lessons 3 times a week.

Kirsten Tan, RDMS,RVT-HHP offers advice in wellness, fitness and nutrition to manage medically related issues such as obesity, diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
Kirsten is a graduate of WorldLegacy’s NC90 Leadership Program.

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